In our commitment to support and provide positive action to our most vulnerable communities, the North County Justice Allies have established The Addiction Awareness Initiative. This fund is in memory of Alex Nava, beloved son of our President, Lisa. Alex lost his battle with addiction on April 5, 2019. Everyday 192 in the people in the US lose their lives to this insidious and stigmatized disease. It affects our community daily, and many suffer in silence and isolation. Please click here to read more about Alex's journey and how the NCJA will support addiction awareness moving forward. Alex's Story To facilitate our actions with this new initiative we are seeking 5 community members who are interested in leading The Addiction Awareness subcommittee, with the first action taking place on August 31, 2020 - International Overdose Awareness Day. If you are interested in applying to be a part of this committee please CLICK HERE to fill out the application.